Disney - Minnie Mouse


Senin, 21 November 2011

Macaroni and Cheese Sausage Pasta

Ollaaaa.. I want to share recipes.. This food is not really foreign to us, namely Pasta Macaroni.. But here I give the variation with sausage.. We just peek how to make it.. Let's go!!

Selasa, 15 November 2011

Amazon River Dolphin

Hi Guys.. I want to explain you about Amazon River Dolphin.. Do you know Amazon river dolphin? If you dont know, lets check it now!

       The Amazon river dolphin, alternatively Bufeo, Bufeo Colorado, Boto Cor de Rosa, Boutu, Nay, Tonina, or Pink Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), is a freshwater river dolphin of the Amazon River. The species is one of a handful of oceanic and river dolphins included in a paraphyletic clade known as the botos, and is the largest of the river dolphins. Because they are unfused, the neck vertebrae of the Amazon river dolphin are able to turn 180 degrees.